Curious about Improv?
Perhaps you’ve seen some live Improv, and always wanted to give it a go yourself. Or perhaps you’ve never tried it but fancy doing something new, exciting and fun.
Woking Improv Theatre is dedicated to bringing spontaneous joy and belly laughter to Woking and beyond.
Come and join us. Laughter guaranteed, or your money back!
So what exactly IS Improvisational Theatre? And similar really useful questions.
Improvisational Theatre (Improvisational Comedy or Improv) is a performance art which focuses entirely on spontaneous creativity and the developing of ideas, games, characters and narratives on the spot.
You don't need to be funny: you just need to be present, accepting and open.
Is it all about Comedy then? Do I need to be funny?
It is often utterly hilarious as no one knows what is going to happen until it happens! But whilst laughs are a big (and natural) part of it, there is so much more to Improv than the laughs. For example, participating in Improv provides an opportunity to play without fear of 'getting it wrong' or of 'not being good enough' (what a relief to let those fears go!).
It encourages us to learn how to support other people's ideas without judgement, and to learn to commit to our own ideas with conviction. Its benefits can be felt in the world of work, between friends, strangers, siblings and, of course, between lovers!
It’s widely believed in academic and performance circles that 'Improv can change the world' and we’re on board with this message. We promise, you don't need to be funny: you just need to be present, accepting and open. Happy people laugh and make others laugh too. Being 'funny' is probably an accident in Improv, and often the greatest laughs happen when things go wrong, not when someone tries to land a contrived line which doesn't ring true to the moment.
So is it like Am-Dram?
Nooooo.... Improvisational Comedy is completely unlike Am-Dram, or any kind of scripted, rehearsed performance. In Improv there are no scripts, no revisions and no re-runs. Everything that is created happens in that very moment; whether marvellous or disastrous - it never happens again.
So why should I do this? I don't want to be a performer...
As an art form and a practice, Improv is profoundly uplifting; socially, emotionally and psychologically. At best, you'll be empowered: more confident, more creatively inspired, and more open. At worst, you'll laugh yourself senseless and come away brimming with endorphins. With Woking Improv Theatre, there is no obligation to perform in public, though the opportunities will be made available to those who want to share the love.
Do I need experience in the Performing Arts to participate?
Not at all. Improv is indeed an arm of the Performing Arts, but you need be neither actor nor comic to participate. You do not need any prior experience or any particular skill to become an improviser. You just need to be willing to have a laugh, take risks, and embrace failure with a shrug and a grin. The greatest improvisers are those who leave their egos at the door and are ready to just say 'yes'.
“Through spontaneity we are re-formed into ourselves.”
Viola Spolin
…and follow us on instagram! @wokingimprovtheatre
“This is how good improv should be! I spent some years doing improv with some of the big names in London. Some are very rules-based and others are too lax. Pip has it absolutely spot-on - there’s plenty of variety, the lessons are gentle and it’s always a fun. If you need your mojo back, this is where it’s at.”
Our Classes and Courses

Weekly drop-in sessions run every Wednesday evening in the Creche of the Maybury Centre from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Suitable for all abilities and £18 on the door

This six-week course is ideal for anyone with no experience of Improv and who wants to learn the basics. This is one way to start your improv journey, or you could jump straight in by coming along to one of our Drop Ins. Next 6-week course due to start Mon 3rd Feb. £150

The 8-week (A Bit More) Improv class is suitable for those who have done some improv classes before. It builds on the material from the Introduction To Improv class, and culminates in a show. £200 Likely next start date April 2025. Message us for more info!

This course is perfect for those who have completed (A Bit More) Improv or an equivalent Level 2. We focus on specific skills including character, setting, relationship building and story arcs. Check back soon for the next time we're running this course

We run a number of stand-alone workshops to delve into the detail of formats such as the Harold, La Ronde, Armando, the Weirdass etc. Ideal for those who want to do a bit more Long Form practice or who are starting to put together their own show. Next sessions will be on 24/03/2025; 31/03/2025; 7/04/2025 with Do Not Adjust Your Stage. This course is currently sold out but drop us an email if you'd like us to run another one!
Learn to focus on the funny! This is an eight-week course suitable for experienced improvisers with several shows under their belts. This course is presently underway, but you can catch the team's show on 04/03/2025! Tickets available now (for free or by donation). Just click the image to head to the eventbrite page

If you're considering doing your training with WIT there are a couple of ways to do it! Come straight to a Drop In and learn from the inside out, or start with a beginners' course and learn from the bottom up! We create courses by popular demand so if there's something you want to learn and it isn't listed here, feel free to fire us a message. If we can create it for you, we will!