Code of Conduct for WIT Improvisers

We are super sociable at WIT and we love welcoming brand new members to our classes, courses and events. If you’re interested in joining any of our meets, then please do take a moment to kindly review this Code of Conduct, in advance. This code is in place to make sure everyone who comes to WIT has a great time and feels as safe and supported as possible. In light of that, this document remains a constant work-in-progress, so if there is anything you’d like to see added or changed so we can support you more effectively too, do not hesitate to let us know. Thanks in advance for reading and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Code of Conduct

WIT Improvisers agree to…

·       Embrace the principle of 'yes, and' to build on ideas and contributions from fellow improvisers, so long as it is safe and appropriate to do so.

·       Respect and support our fellow improvisers, and foster an environment of trust, collaboration, acceptance, and friendship.

·       Listen actively and attentively to ensure our scene partners’ offers and ideas are acknowledged and understood.

·       Avoid blocking or negating ideas presented by teammates, and instead find ways to incorporate these ideas into our scenes.

·       Treat our work and workspace with respect, always remaining focused on the work at hand and professional in our conduct.

·       Avoid resorting to offensive or insensitive humour and prioritise inclusivity and respect for all individuals. 

·       Respect physical and sexual boundaries, both on and off stage.

·       Avoid participating in anything physically dangerous.

·       Communicate openly and constructively with fellow improvisers but leave the provision of all feedback to the Director and/or Coach.

·       Seek support from the Course Leaders at any time if questions or concerns arise. The Course Leaders are on hand to help and will respond with integrity, in accordance with this Code of Conduct.

·       Make fun and joyfulness a priority, and to maintain a positive and open-minded attitude towards learning.